Monday, August 08, 2022

Greenland day 4: the first tour (up to pt642)

Not much rain overnight; mainly just light drizzle, but still low clouds in the morning. After breakfast we head back up the valley to the lake from yesterday, moving into a cloud up top there. Left and easily up the valley wall to get to the ridge, build a cairn to be able o fin d the turn off on the way back, and then left along and up the ridge. We are, unfortunately, still in a cloud, so we we don't have the great views, but it's atmospheric and still a nice walk/light scramble up, up until we heat the peak (pt 642 as marked on the 1:100,000 map). Here we are between two cloud layers, so we can actually see a bit!

Build a cairn on the peak, have a snack, continue to the end of the ridge (and maybe another peak... the cairn-builders build another one there, just in case). More nice views, speculating a bit about whether or not we were the first here (no decision), and then turn around to head back the camp the way we came.

Really nice day with no real rain. And the forecast is steadily improving.

Yay! We're in Greenland!

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