Saturday, April 18, 2020

Doing Flues because of the (not) flu part 3: Solothurner ridge quartet

Thank you corona virus...

We still shouldn't be climbing, but Andrea was not going to be stopped from at least getting some scrambling in. So we grabbed a mobility car and drove to Balm.

From the parking lot under the ruins, it's along the road a bit, then steeply up on an unmarked trail until we hit the broad ridge. Along the nice ridge, sometimes steeply up, until we get to a bit of scrambling, past a couple people with climbing gear, past a few other hikers, on to a nice break spot with a view (unfortunately the Alps are only barely visible) just before the real climbing starts.
We, of course, don't do the climbing, but take the path that goes around that wall and then steeply back up to the ridge, which we follow to the peak. There are *way* too many people here, so we continue directly on our way. Down a bit along the trail, which we follow to the ridge along the Sunneberg, and then along that nice path through the woods until we get up to the Röti. Here there's plenty of space to have a nice food break and enjoy the views.

After the break we follow the path along the ridge (there are still a couple of small snowfields here!) down to Balmberg. We still want more, so we continue up to and across the Wanneflue and then further up and along the Chambenflüe. At the end of this we decide that it's time to wrap up, so we continue on a nice path down, down, taking a last break above Hinteres Hofbergli, down to the car (and the now very crowded parking lot).

We've done a lot in this area, so including all the links are hard, but we climbed to the Balmfluechöpfli a couple of years ago.


Stats: 5:17, 13.7km, 1080m up and down

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