For the long Pentecost weekend we decide to go to the Mittagfluh near Guttanen; like we did three years ago.
On Saturday we thought about doing Durststrecke, but someone had just started that and others were waiting to do the first pitch, so we did Am Ueli sis Chueli (4b, 3c, 5a, 5a, 5a, 5a, 5a, 5a+, 5b, 5b), Andrea started. Some crazy bolt distances when it was easier, but great climbing, as one expects. :-) Then a food break up top and the foot descent with abseiling.
On Sunday there was amazingly no-one there as we arrived and only one group already climbing. We did Durststrecke (5b+, 4c, 5a, 5a, 5a+, 5b, 5a+, 5b, 5b+) which was once again great fun. Again food break up top and then the foot descent.
Monday's plan was to do Loris Boxenstopp, which we hadn't seen anyone climb yet, but of course someone had just started that; so instead we did Heidi mier weidi (3b, 5c+, 5a, 5a, 5b, 5a, 5b, 5b, 5b+), Greg started. According to the blog post, we climbed this last time, but I think we might have actually ended up doing Am Ueli... it's easy to end up in the wrong route at the beginning. This is a fun route that feels a bit more adventurous. A good section of one pitch is wet, it's vertical, technical, and pretty quarz-rich, so there's some very careful foot placement and weight transfer going on. :-) After food up top we decide to abseil over the route since no one is behind us (it's curiously empty today). This goes ok and is a bit faster than doing the foot descent.
A great weekend of climbing on a lovely cliff.